Solitaire Bliss

Identifying Positive Boards

When you first deal a hand of Solitaire, there are positive boards that make it much easier to win the game and negative boards that are going to be very difficult to win.
Let's identify positive boards and examine why your chances of winning are maximized.
Positive boards tend to have higher cards, especially aces and kings.
They also tend to have numbers that mesh in sequences and do not have any duplicates of the same color.
Here's an example of a positive board:

Positive Board Example 1
Positive Board Example 1

You have aces.
Even though you have 3 low cards, the king and queen mesh together and so do the 6 and 7.
Aces are critical to start filling up the foundations.
You can't play the 2's or 3's into the foundations unless you've first played the ace.
Low cards will stagnate the board because there are very few cards to place on them.
On this board, you won't have to worry about red 2's locking up the board because you have the 2 red aces.
Your chances of winning this game are great.

Here's another example of a positive board:

Positive Board Example 2
Positive Board Example 2

You have zero duplicates of the same color.
You have an ace.
Your one low card will go directly on the diamond ace.
The red 9 goes directly on the black 10 and the red 10 meshes with the black J.
Also, a red jack will give a 3-card sequence: QJT and open a blank on the board.
We'll refer to that as clearing a column and is a basic tenet to winning solitaire.
Clearing a column will allow you to place a red K in the blank column and move the black Q on top.
This is a great board and you got to love your chances on winning this game.

Here's another example of a positive board:

Positive Board Example 3
Positive Board Example 3

You have zero duplicates of the same color.
You have an ace.
Your one low card will go directly on the diamond ace.
The red 9 goes directly on the black 10 and the red 10 meshes with the black J.
Also, a red jack will give a 3-card sequence: QJT and open a blank on the board.
We'll refer to that as clearing a column and is a basic tenet to winning solitaire.
Clearing a column will allow you to place a red K in the blank column and move the black Q on top.
This is also a great board and you got to love your chances of winning this game.

Larry Leskiw
Larry Leskiw has enjoyed playing cards his whole life. He enjoyed Spades and Hearts as a kid and started playing Bridge at Berkeley where he received a degree. He soon became a Life Master in Bridge during his 20's. He taught Math for 32 years and thoroughly enjoyed his AP Statistics classes where his students could earn college credit. He now enjoys spending time with his wife Phyllis and his grandkids Riley, Rudy, and Ty. Oh, and playing on SolitaireBliss :-)

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